

Readers, you have your assignment, send me stories

I recently visited one of the local cemeteries with a friend.  It might sound a little morbid, but that is one of the most fascinating things to do.  The old headstones are so interesting. One grave was that of a mother with a small child on each side.  One of the children only lived one day in 1950 and the other lived four days.  I wonder if she had other children or just what her story was.  There were many veteran headstones as far back as the Civil War.  One stone had a long list of valor for a Vietnam veteran, including that he was the first Navy seal killed by hostile fire during the Vietnam War.  All of this is real life history.

Taking pride in your hometown benefits everyone

By Roy Knox

Spring is here and so are allergies; check pets too

By Jana Logan
Spring is here and so are the allergies.  I hope everyone is not suffering as much as I am.  If it were not for the allergies, this would be my favorite time of the year.  I love the flowers, blooming trees and baby animals.  Unfortunately those blooming trees have pollen on everything.  My vehicles are yellow.  My poor nose is so sore a tissue feels like sand paper and my eyes look like I am crying all the time.  We take for granted the ability to breathe.  When your nose is stopped up it is even hard to eat. Every time I take a bite, I feel as if I will suffocate before I can get it chewed up enough to take a breath. The worst part of all is the one thing I am most allergic to is horses.  My greatest passion is what makes me sneeze the most.  This part of the year, when they are shedding their winter coats, is the worst.  I don’t care, I just brush and sneeze.

Have the best looking lawn in the county

Whether your goal is to have the best-looking lawn in the county, or to have a healthy lawn that requires the least amount of mowing, let’s go over some good practices to help you achieve this. 
First and foremost, as we begin talking about any kind of grass growth, the most important aspect is a good-quality soil with the proper pH and nutrient levels. Hopefully, you have taken a soil sample last fall or winter and have applied the proper ingredients for your lawn; however, in this case, it is better late than never. 

Teen violence should not occur; but it does

By Marlene Bohr
The Steel Country Bee
Family violence occurs on a daily basis and when we think about it, we think it is confined inside a household or family unit. Sadly we are learning family violence is stretching its ugly head into teenage relationships. Some of us watched television news night after night as the search went on a month ago for a Marshall teen that went missing. Her boyfriend was mentioned as a person of interest and then let go; however, to return to him later when they found her body. He is now a suspect in her death. 

“When God Breaks Your Heart: Choosing Hope in the Midst of Faith-Shattering Circumstances” by Ed Underwood

Library Book Review Corner
by Nancy Murillo
This book appealed to me on a very personal level. Some titles just speak to you. Some journeys you must experience. It adjusts your perspective and makes you better.
What a book. What a life changing experience to read it. It’s easy to believe in God when life is going well, when you’re well-fed and well-rested and full of love; but what about when life is hard? What if you spend your life helping others, only to be turned down for healing for yourself.  Ed Underwood had faith, real faith, not some ‘when things are okay’ kind of faith – real faith, deep abiding faith. Then the unthinkable happened, he was so sick and in such pain for so long that it changed him. We are talking ‘your skin is peeling off your body’ pain. The ‘out of your mind with hurt’ kind of pain. And you pray. And you keep the faith. And you wait. And wait. And wait.

The truth is hard to find

By Roy Knox


My disagreement with “bacon wrapped shrimp”

One Man's Opinion
by Roy Knox

I listen to the Walton and Johnson radio show almost every morning while driving to work. If you are not familiar with the two ultra-conservative radio hosts this may help you. In their way of thinking, both former Presidents Bush were fools and most “TEA” party members are too liberal. Their assessment of liberals cannot be printed in a family oriented newspaper. They infuse their show with a lot of comedy to make it main stream and seem fun, but if you listen to their core comments it is easy to understand where they are coming from. One of their opinions I do think is credible is their metaphor on the “political good life” which they simply call “bacon wrapped shrimp.” Almost all newly elected congressmen/congresswomen plan to make a difference; to uphold their constituents’ wishes and help correct this Washington mess.


Library staff busy adding new program to services offered

Library Corner
by Nancy Murillo
There is a lot happening at the Library. We have an awesome addition to our services list. Thanks to the Tocker Foundation’s Public Computing Grant, our new public printer, along with Wi-fi printing is up and running and available now. 
You can now print from your own laptop, iPad/iPhone or Android tablet or smartphone. Come in and let us show you how.  
We are in the process of adding records for all our e-book collection. When complete, this will allow patrons to search ONE catalog for both physical holdings inside the building and our e-books, accessible through the internet. This will make a better search experience.
Have you checked out the library’s downloadable music service yet? What does FreegalMusic mean? 

Mrs. Obama might want to call Ray Rice a 'knucklehead'

By Roy Knox


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