

Letters to the Editor:

Dear Editor,
We are in! After several years of discussion and many long days of work, the Pittsburg Police Department has moved into its permanent home at 520 S. Greer. The men and women who work in this building would like to express our thanks to all those who made it happen and express to everyone our pride in the new station.
Below are some facts about the new station which may not be known.


Letters to the Editor:

Dear Editor:
To the person who left 15 one week old puppies out in the freezing cold on Dr. Kincaid’s Veterinary office doorstep - despite valiant efforts on the part of Mt. Pleasant Animal Control Officers and rescue
volunteers - all 15 tiny babies died.
You, whoever you are, may not be held accountable for this travesty in this world, but be assured you will be judged in the next.
Goldie Harwell


Outsmarting online child predators

Every day, law enforcement officers around the state who specialize in cyber crimes investigations work tirelessly to identify and locate potential child sex predators who troll Internet chat rooms for underage victims. Since its launch in 2003, the Office of the Attorney General’s Cyber Crimes Unit has arrested 150 suspects who used the Internet to prey upon children.
In a series of undercover sting operations during the month of June, for example, our cyber crimes officers teamed with officers in the Round Rock Police Department and the FBI to identify, locate and arrest eight suspected child predators in Williamson and northern Travis counties. All eight suspects were charged with online solicitation of a minor, a felony punishable by at least two years in prison.


Random thoughts about food, football and Christmas

One Man's Opinion By Roy Knox:


Reasons to be thankful and new traditions to consider

How great is it that we set aside one day a year to remember what wonderful gifts God has bestowed on us? And while food and football really doesn’t rank up there in importantance like your parents, your children, or a hot girlfriend, they both have place. For as long as I can remember I have associated good food with good times.
I don`t believe I can remember a celebration of any kind (other than marriage and Christmas) where the food was just important as the event.  It`s a similar situation with football. What day can`t be brightened by a game of football? If you are lucky, you have a meal before and after the game and snacks throughout. It is fat guy heaven.


A few random thoughts- Roy Knox

The Pittsburg Pirates move into round two of the state football playoffs after beating Wills Point last Friday night. This Thursday the opponent is the Gilmer Buckeyes, I kid you not this will be a difficult game to win, but the Pirates and their fans will be ready.  
Do you think if President Obama had a way to remove the nickname (ObamaCare) from the “Affordable Care Act” that he would do so? Of course he would. His administration no longer refers to the law by any other way than “Affordable Care Act”.
It was 25 degrees last Wednesday morning and we needed the air conditioners running by the weekend.  Global warming or just the same screwy weather we have every fall?
The Philadelphia Eagles took over the lead of the NFC Eastern Conference with a win over the Washington Redskins. Dallas had a bye this last week, and will be traveling to New York to take on the Giants this weekend. As beat up as the Dallas defense is I see no way they can win.


Autumn Colors- Nancy Murillo's Library Corner

The website states: “Every autumn across the Northern Hemisphere, diminishing daylight hours and falling temperatures induce trees to prepare for winter. In these preparations, they shed billions of tons of leaves. In certain regions, such as our own, the shedding of leaves is preceded by a spectacular color show. Formerly green leaves turn to brilliant shades of yellow, orange, and red. These color changes are the result of transformations in leaf pigments.” Check out their website for more information.


Building strong families to build a stronger Texas

Texas children are the future of this state. When Texas children and families are strong, Texas is strong. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is committed to making sure Texas children have the support and resources needed to lead happy, healthy lives.
To build on the strong foundation created by the Child Support Division — a record-breaking $3.627 billion was collected last year — the OAG oversees family-centered child support programs that work to strengthen families, encourage responsible fatherhood and promote parental cooperation and involvement with children. Studies show that parents without custody who stay involved with their children are more likely to make regular child support payments.
For more information, see our E-edition at


With a stroke of a pen

One Man’s Opinion

by Roy Knox


Letters to the Editor

Reader says more
information is needed
to understand ACA


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