

Letter to the Editor

Memorial Day honors the brave  
Dear Editor,
I read dishearteningly Cdr. Hill’s letter, “Memorial Day speaker leaves bad impression.” The speaker said that, “Minorities have had it their way too long and it was time for us to stand up and fight for what we believe in.”


Where would you like to go on vacation if cost were not a consideration?
"Ireland." -Rebekah Trimble
"I would like to go on a tour of Italy." -Leigh Ann Kingston
"I know real quick where that would be, Australia." -Joann Caster
"Hawaii." -Ty Hammonds
"I would like to go to Germany. I want to see all the Bavarian castles." -Pam Opitz

Thankful for the family unit

One Man’s Opinion by Roy Knox

As I sit around here “Father’s Day” morning recalling all the fun I had with my dad when I was young it is easy to believe I had the best dad ever, and he was, but there was more to it. I might have had the best family ever.

Almost all of my really great memories involved my whole family. Of course that was perfectly normal back in the old days. We did everything as a unit. We didn’t think it strange when all of us went on hunting and fishing trips together. Actually thinking about it, most all of our hunting and fishing trips were excuses for just cooking outside. The only time we were separated was when the kids were in school and my parents were at work.


Time well spent with fourth graders

City Limits by Debbie Knox
Somewhere back around 1992, my son Russ was in the fifth grade. I went to the Pittsburg Intermediate School to teach the children how to “Design an ad.” I went back this year but to the fourth grade instead of the fifth.
You would be surprised how intimidating it is standing in front of those children waiting to spew out instructions with no formal training. I passed out all the crayons, paper and I had showed them pictures of magazine ads to help them get a clear picture of what the concept is. I remember we used McDonalds and some other advertising that appealed to their age group. Companies pay thousands of dollars for ad composition, and then thousands more to place them in publications. Why not steal ideas from the pros, right?


 What would be the ultimate Father’s Day gift?

“Have my wife cook dinner for once.” -Aaron Barrett

“I’m just happy spending time with my family.” -James Garner

“A new Kubota zero turn mower.” -Scott Garham

“A new Harley Davidson.” -Mike Reeder

“For both my boys to go to church with me and have a good meal after. As well as spending quality time with them and having fun.” -Johnny Edwards


What’s going on?

One Man’s Opinion by Roy Knox
When the Obama Administration opted to swap five senior Taliban prisoners for a captured U.S. Army Pfc., Bowe Bergdahl, they knew about several members of his platoon stating flat out that he just walked away from his post and was basically a deserter. The Taliban prisoners included former drug lords (opium) and leaders that oversaw mass murders of Shiites in 2000 and 2001. These were some very bad people. The official word on these former prisoners is they pose little if any threat to the United States. That may be perfectly true, but where is the political advantage for doing the swap now? I have been critical of this administration since day one, but never because they were stupid. So, if this is a smoke screen, what is happening to require this huge sleight of hand trick?

Docents are needed at the museum

Museum News by Fanny Hively
It is hard for me to believe; however, in August I will have been working at the museum for 7 years. I certainly do not know where that time went.
One of the first things I did as a new employee was to try and recruit more docents. Well, I’m in same fix now as I was then. We are in desperate need of more docents at both The Farmstead and The Depot. We especially need some (younger) men and I use that term loosely. Right now the big rush for school tours is over; however, this summer we hope to have many visitors. Large groups usually call ahead to make plans which gives us an opportunity to have plenty of help on hand.

Know the signs of rabid animals

Agri News by Spencer Perkins
As summer time is quickly approaching us and we are planning our outdoor vacations, cookouts, or various other activities, it is important to keep safety and health in mind. One of the best practices to stay safe and healthy is prevention.
That is why you should always take your pets to your local veterinarian and get their yearly rabies vaccination. Rabies is a viral zoonosis affecting the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals. Rabies is spread when the saliva of an infected animal comes in contact with an opening in the skin, usually a bite or scratch. However, very rare, it can sometimes be transmitted through contamination of mucous membranes.

The next big exaggeration

One Man’s Opinion by Roy Knox

Looking back

Avian flu infection is discovered in East Texas.
An open house to kick off the EZ Tech for Seniors (50+) computer classes will be held June 10.
Pittsburg High School senior shortstop Samantha Brummell has committed to attend LeTourneau University and play ball for the Lady Jackets.
Kelli Bomar is the 1994 rodeo queen.
Wade Johns is named infantry band drum major of the 1994-95 Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band.
Ruth West is elected to the Silver-Haired Legislature.
Primary school students show a marked improvement in California achievement tests.
Mr. and Mrs. Hartsell Lampkin celebrate 50th wedding anniversary.
Pittsburg Medical Center offers free Lamaze classes.


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