

One last thought

By Cory Smith

Why teachers and police officers are terrible at their job


From Camp County Kitchen

Chicken Enchiladas

4 chicken breast – boiled 1 cup chicken broth 1 can mushroom soup 1 cup sour cream 1 can cream of chicken soup 1 onion, nely chopped 1 small box of Velveeta cheese 1 small can of chopped Jalapenos 1 pkg of our tortillas 1 pkg of mozzarella cheese Mix soups, Velveeta and sour cream in large skillet. Cook until smooth to make sauce. In large bowl, combine chopped pieces of chicken, onion and peppers and ½ of the sauce. Cover bottom of a 9x13 casserole with the cheese sauce. Spoon chicken mixture into so ened tortillas and roll.

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Should Hillary get special treatment in prison?

Remember this name, Merrick Garland. He is living his 15 minutes of fame. President Obama nominated Garland to take the place of Justice Antonia Scalia on the Supreme Court. Justice Scalia died last February. e President nominates and the Senate con rms and there is the rub. e Republican led Senate has no plans to con rm anyone in this election year. So Mr. Garland you have been thrown to the wolves by President Obama. Your voting record alone on the Second Amendment would keep you being con rmed. It would seem Obama told Garland this nomination is not for show; it`s the real deal. Mr. Garland step back and look at the big picture. Do you really think you are going to be approved to replace the most conservative judge on the bench with your voting record? Maybe I`m wrong, maybe the senators need to ask him one question: “When Hillary Clinton is tried, convicted, and has to serve time in prison. Do you think she should have special treatment?” ink he will answer?


Kids Say What?


The Alamo survivors

Late in afternoon on March 5, Santa Anna informed his officers he would attack the Alamo in the morning and to make ready. Some of the officers advised him to wait for the heavy artillery that had not yet arrived, and just batter the fort to dust. However, Santa Anna walked out of the meeting and ordered the red ag of no quarter raised. He ordered his army band to play the Degüello or slit throat song once again. Early on the morning of March 6, Santa Anna divided 2000 Mexican soldiers into four columns. The 500 man column led by the disgraced General Cos breeched the north wall of the compound, and attacked the other defenders from the rear. Most defenders retreated into the long barracks, some escaped over the walls and headed for the prairie or the river but the Mexican cavalry cut them down. A Texian cannon was turned on the barracks and a large hole blasted into the wall. The Texians’ defenses were soon overwhelmed and it was all over in 90 minutes.


The Alamo Part 3

On Feb. 23, the first elements of the Mexican army arrived in San Antonio, led by Santa Anna. Over the next twelve days, more and more units arrived and the force swelled to over 4,000. The history of the siege became a matter of legend. Some historians say, no one really knows if Col. William B. Travis on day six and some say day 12, Feb. 28 or Mar. 5, 1836, drew a line in the sand and explained to the defenders three possibilities. The first, was to surrender and be executed. The second, was to try and fight their way out and many would be butchered by Santa Anna’s cavalry lancers. The Third, cross the line, defend the fort, resist the attacks, and make Santa Anna’s soldiers pay dearly. Legend says that he began his speech this way. “We must die, our business is not to make a fruitless effort to save our lives, but to choose the manner of our death,” Travis said.


From Camp County Kitchen

By Heather Hall

Greek Bread

1 loaf French bread 2 cups grated Mozzarella cheese ¼ cup grated cheddar cheese ½ cup mayonnaise ½ cup butter, softened 6 green onions, chopped 1 small can sliced black olives 1 small can chopped green chilies ½ teaspoon garlic powder Slice bread lengthwise. Combine remaining ingredients and blend by hand until well mixed.

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When did freedom give folks the right to riot and act a fool?

When did “freedom of speech” turn into “freedom to riot and act a fool?” I was watching the “Donald Trump rally” last Friday night and I believe what I saw was members starting and causing a riot. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were quick to blame Donald Trump. They both claim that Trump incites radical acts because the hatred he spews. Ted Cruz andMarco Rubio somewhat agreed and that was quite disappointing to me. Yes, I agree that Trump is the most vocal when it comes to illegal immigration and about terrorism, but is that a bad thing? MoveOn. org has vowed to collect more money and will disrupt more rallies held by the Trump campaign. I guess needs the money to bus in more peaceful protestors for the next Trump rally. Is this the new way politics is going to be run? Peaceful protesting outside the venue is expected, but protesting inside the venue just tells me you think your freedom of speech is more important than mine.


Kids Say What?

If you could vote in the 2016 Presidential Election, who would you vote for and why.


One last thought

By THOMAS CRAVEY Camp County Judge

The question often arises why the county does things the way it does. More times than not, the answer to that is very simple. It’s the law. It’s how and why county government was created. The original purpose of counties, and still one of our basic functions, was to provide a system for law and order. And no other level of government has as strong a system of checks and balances as the county. There is often a misconception that counties have the same general authority as cities. But that is far from the case. Counties are basically extensions of the state government at the local level. Unlike cities, counties are not municipalities. Generally speaking, cities have the ability to make their own local laws and ordinances, as long as they do not conflict with state or federal law.


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