When did freedom give folks the right to riot and act a fool?

When did “freedom of speech” turn into “freedom to riot and act a fool?” I was watching the “Donald Trump rally” last Friday night and I believe what I saw was MoveOn.org members starting and causing a riot. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were quick to blame Donald Trump. They both claim that Trump incites radical acts because the hatred he spews. Ted Cruz andMarco Rubio somewhat agreed and that was quite disappointing to me. Yes, I agree that Trump is the most vocal when it comes to illegal immigration and about terrorism, but is that a bad thing? MoveOn. org has vowed to collect more money and will disrupt more rallies held by the Trump campaign. I guess MoveOn.org needs the money to bus in more peaceful protestors for the next Trump rally. Is this the new way politics is going to be run? Peaceful protesting outside the venue is expected, but protesting inside the venue just tells me you think your freedom of speech is more important than mine. It is your God-given right to riot and act the fool. That is so sad. • I`m pretty sure the MoveOn.org are children and grandchildren of the draft-dodging men and the bra burning women of the 1970s.

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