It’s an investment for our future

The Pittsburg Independent School District board of trustees is considering calling for a $10 million bond issue for the purpose of making facility and safety improvements. Each campus is facing safety and/or facility issues that truly need to be addressed.
As a community we are responsible for the education of our children, and with that responsibility, we are also entrusted with their safety. The elementary and the junior high schools are using some portable buildings for classrooms. Anyone with the knowledge of Texas weather knows that violent storms can happen at any time, and the chances of injury or death are greatly increased to those classrooms housed in a portable building. Are you comfortable with having your child or grandchild spending most of their day in a compromising situation?
The primary school needs a larger parking lot that is well lit. We ask a lot of our teachers. Is it too much to afford them a safe venue when coming and going from their work place? The high school needs a new agriculture building located on campus. Busing students to and from a remote location is an inefficient use of their time. Also those students have to cross the railroad tracks, and I for one am concerned about that and hope you are too. Our children truly are an asset in our community and for about $60 a year (based on a $150,000 home) a $10 million bond can be issued. The 2.25 percent interest rate is the lowest in history.
It just makes sense. Like I said, our children are an investment in our future.
•Pope Benedict XVI has announced he is going to retire, the first pope to do so since 1415. I wonder if we could get him to call Jerry Jones?
•If you happened to be in Brookshire`s last Friday afternoon you might have seen Dia Hardeman posing for photographs in front of the ice cream case. Dia is about eight months pregnant with twins. I hung around to watch Jessica Brummell have Dia pose in all these different angles while sitting on the floor and holding a half gallon of ice cream. The pictures will be wonderful; Dia is a beautiful young lady and just glows since she has been pregnant, and Jessica`s creativity is so impressive, I could have watched all afternoon. Plus I wanted to make sure I could help Dia back on her feet, because she was wearing 4-inch heels. Remember, the pregnant woman you help today is the mother of the infant you are going to want to hold next month.
•The Dallas Mavericks just need to blow up their roster and get rid of everyone except Dirk Nowitzki. The only reason to keep Dirk is to sell tickets.
•There are rumors the next pope might be a black man. It`s about time someone other than a white European gets the job. I was hoping for the first U.S. pope, but that won`t happen in my lifetime.  
•Governor Rick Perry is in California trying to pry away businesses and have them relocate in Texas. The Sacramento Bee, the state’s leading liberal newspaper, claims that Perry can`t create jobs in his own state and can only steal them from other states. Texas has gained 400,000 new jobs in the last five years, while California has lost 640,000. Conservative Californians point to Texas as a blueprint of how their economy should work.
•Kate Upton snagged her second straight Sports Illustrated cover. Now this might not be important to you, but to most males, this is what will hold until the NFL draft.
•It`s Valentine’s Day this Thursday; if you have not picked out something nice for your sweetie you may be in trouble. Remember, if you pick out flowers make sure you send them to her work. She will want to show them off in front of her co-workers. Sending them home is equivalent to not buying them at all. A waffle griddle would a great gift in my opinion, but I have been warned not to get anything that plugs in.  

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