Pair of PHS seniors take first at powerlifting meet

By Ellis Knox |

DAINGERFIELD – Pittsburg High senior David By placed first in the 181-pound weight-class division, while senior Cade Rester took first in the super-heavyweight class during the Daingerfield Powerlifting Meet on Jan. 28.
Also competing in the meet were host Daingerfield and Omaha Pewitt.
By squatted 425 pounds, benched press 235 and at 450 deadlift for a total of 1,110.
Rester, a 284-pounder, recorded 380 in squat, 200 bench, 385 deadlift for a total of 965.
In 148, Gabe Muniz was third with a 830 total and Tory Segura placed fifth with 655 pounds.
In 220, Undra Bates finished third at 880 and Anton Robinson was fourth at 770.
In 275, Coy Rester took fourth at 730.
Pittsburg’s next meet is Thursday, Feb. 9, in Winnsboro. The meet begins at 3:45 p.m.

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